This weekend – December 17th- we are having our 100th year foundation anniversary and Grand Centennial Homecoming. Teachers, retired teachers, alumni and guests will gather at the school campus for the most awaited Centennial Celebration.
The affair will start with a thanksgiving mass at exactly 7 o’clock in the morning at the school covered gymnasium. After the mass, we will have our Centennial caravan wherein the marshals will lead the group. Next will be the teachers, the parents-teachers’ association followed by the student supreme government. Among the alumni, the 50’s will lead, to be followed by the 60’s , 70’s , 80’s onwards.
One activity I look forward to is the Centennial Tradeshow Exhibits which is slated after the caravan. I am confident that the members of this committee is all set to show their exhibits’, table covers and table top display. I was informed that the group still needs directors chairs.
Everyone is very excited to attend the Grand Alumni Night. Being the alumni President, I was so occupied with the needs of the association as a whole that I have less time to gather my batchmates in Batch 70. What with the advent of high technology- cell phones and internet! So far, 80% of our classmates have been contacted.
The core group has been bombarded with a lot of queries , comments, positive and negative feedbacks. Tonight, I shared to my fellow officials the thoughts for the day: ” There is no definition of good day or bad day- it all depends on us and our thoughts that either we run the day or the day runs us; may God guide our thoughts and may we always end the day with a happy and a thankful heart; God bless us all the time. Good evening!”
I am relying so much on the grace of the Lord to continue the work of grace in my fellow alumni’s lives and make our centennial a celebration- a SUCCESS !