For today’s busy world “take time to stop and smell the roses” however a far greater need is to “take time out for God”.
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Dengue claims lives of many Filipino kids
The mosquito-borne disease continue to wreak havoc in our place claiming at least eight lives of children last month. From January to September of this year, there were more dengue cases recorded … [Read More...]
I am Planning to Buy a Laptop
I'm planning to replace my laptop soon but can't seem to find the time to drop by the mall because of my busy schedule. Aside from that, I am not that knowledgeable in techie gadgets so I needed to … [Read More...]

Advice to Make You Smile: How To Keep Your Teeth Healthy
A trip to the dentist is not many people’s favorite activity, but it is made all the worse if you find that you have to have work done to your teeth. When you have a family, it is a battle to make … [Read More...]