For today’s busy world “take time to stop and smell the roses” however a far greater need is to “take time out for God”.
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Get A Perfect Nights Sleep – Every Night
With life becoming more and more demanding as we get older, it’s imperative that we enjoy good quality sleep in order to wake up feeling energized and ready to take on the day ahead. With an … [Read More...]

Another Month, Another Huge Pile of Credit Card Debt
As a nation, we are entirely dependent on our credit cards. The average person owes more than $2,000, and the figure continues to rise, despite improving employment prospects. Everything goes on our … [Read More...]

Your Money Or Your Life?!
Why is it that, sometimes, we have to make this choice? Sometimes, it seems to be a contest battle between the quality of life that we have, and the amount of money that we earn. Some folks get a … [Read More...]