During the first years of our marriage, at home, I liked to see our clothes neatly folded and orderly piled up in our closets ; plates and cooking wares neatly arranged in our kitchen. There were house rules to be followed strictly and I always expected the house to be spic and span. In short, I was very particular about everything at home. It seemed, life for me then must be refined, orderly and systematic – must be perfect always!
My husband and I have just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary. Now, I realized and learned to allow “imperfections” to coexist with us for a time in our marriage life (and that includes clutters). Instead of expecting perfection at home, I am giving my children and my grandchildren to act their age (but of course, they are given limits). I have learned to lower my housekeeping standards. I came to realize that their mess was due to their innocence of their childhood.
Indeed, I have bidden farewell to my being so perfectionist.
From there, we added another ingredient of a closely-knit family…and that’s acceptance of one another , that we are humane, unique and not perfect. Thus now for 33 years, our family remains intact, solid and still growing stronger as we explore, together, a whole new world of adventure and fun –with my husband, children , grandchildren and son-in-law.
We have come to like traveling together. Traveling with the whole family always seem pleasurable and enjoyable. Of course,we’ve got big plans to do this summer. We heard of www.gocentraljersey.com which is the best resource for tourist information. Got to check earlier and be updated with local attractions and the things being offered this summer. Got to find the best place for us this summer soon.
A happy family needs not be perfect to have a beautiful relationship. Family life has become more harmonious, colorful and meaningful with the acceptance and understanding of one another. After all, nobody’s perfect!