Guest post written by our friend Katie Callahan
It is official! We are moving this summer.
I am really excited about this move because it is to the town that both of our parents live in! We are talking free babysitting anytime we want! They will probably be begging us to go on a date so they can spend time with their grand babies! I am seriously stoked. I am also happy to not have to do that long drive every couple months to see our family. It is going to be great for the kids to spend more time with their grandparents. The actual process of moving is going to be interesting. I imagine moving with one child is tough, but I will moving with three year old triplets! It is going to be crazy. I have already went to to get that set up in the new house. I will need TV to help contain the kiddos while I unpack and organize the new house! I hope that they don’t freak out too much in the new house.