Thanks so much to the three cousins of my husband . As they drove us ( my husband and me) down Oakland, the song that was being played in the car caught my attention- -Dance With My Father Again. I immediately liked its rhythm and tune.
Tonight, I got the chance to search for its lyrics and as I started humming it, I realized that it was such a sad song. The first portion suggests how a child feels for her father when he lifts the mom and the child as they happily dance together. Just by merely dancing together, she felt she’s being so loved. Finally, she realized that it was not only she who wants to dance with his father again but also her mother. They are both yearning some more moments to dance together again with her dad. Sadly, the song depicts that he is gone now.
To cousins, how I wish we could drive again along Oakland to the Golden Gate and to the Crookedest Road in the world . Our short bonding moments together made my husband and me – realized how much effort you exerted just for us to enjoy our ” unexpected meeting” with you ( for the first time, for me– and for my husband- his meeting with you after more than thirty long years since childhood years).
We treasure the memories created during our 4-days stay with you there in the land of milk and honey. Now that my husband and I are back home ( in this third-world country, lol ) , just like the daughter in the song—we could feel how much you cared for us. Thank you so much Kuya Gerry, Leo and Jun (and to his wife, Ruby). Hubby and I care for you , too. God bless. Till we meet again someday…
Till we meet again Cousins! Thanks so much.