Enjoy that sweet fragrances of your cosmetics, personal care products, car fresheners, plastic products, etc. ? –
Thank Phthalates (pronounced as THAL-ates) – the chemical which is one component of those products and is easily inhaled.. but wait!
Many studies show that exposure to this potentially hormone-disrupting chemical- phthalates-through contact, is dangerous. Why? It is linked to preterm pregnancies, lower testosterone levels in men, obesity, worsening of allergy and asthma symptoms and a lot more abnormalities.
Phthalates are often used as plasticizers which make plastics more flexible and harder to break. So how can we avoid them? There’s no sure way that we can completely avoid them because most of the things around us contain phthalates.
To me, buying a wooden surfboard storage rack is better than having a plastic one. Let’s skip fragrance when choosing cosmetics and personal care products, detergents, etc.
Enjoy that new car fragrance? Hmmmm, not anymore!