When I was younger, I typically responded to frustrations by getting irritable, losing my cool and putting others to blame. I know that my reactions towards disappointments may have even hurt other people’s feelings. Sometimes no matter how hard I do to obtain a goal, I feel that its just not working and that caused me to feel frustrated.
Experience taught me that frustrations are unavoidable and I’ve got to learn to transform them into challenges. ( Just as how I got so disappointed with my mechanic when he tried to use a rubber hose over a teflon hose despite my advice.) Talking openly with the concerned guy gave me a different but better perspective instead of just getting mad.( He now believes that the performance fuel hose has significant high flow and pressure ratings.)
To avoid frustrations especially in the workplace, we must not linger on the areas which are beyond our control.
“One reason many people do not achieve their goals is that they do not know how to handle frustrations- by contrast, people who are successful in any field have handled much frustrations as they achieve their success.”