Many years back, I was diagnosed to have ureteral stones (or was it urethral? I got confused between the two words) which may have passed out from my system unnoticed. Luckily, I did not undergo surgical procedures then. In the past, treating this condition conventionally will likely require open surgery to remove the offending stone. Today, with the latest in modern technology , there is the extra- corporeal shock wave lithotripsy or the ESWL and percutaneous surgical procedures. For sure, the operation is so expensive. As always, this old adage holds true -prevention is always better than cure.
So, I am doing researches and readings in the internet on strategies that may decrease my risks of having another kidney stones .
I am also browsing the net about Raleigh nc real estate because my aunt requested me to help her find a new home there. I just use Google but if you have any info as to houses for sale in NC, I’d love to learn about it.
It pays to read and learn. My learning never stops.