Millions of people love movies as CGI has played a large role in producing some of the most amazing films in the 21st century. However, three-dimensional art is not a new thing. While creating the appearance of 3D on the television screen is an amazing feat, the art world has been doing this for centuries in real life. Through a wide variety of mediums, artists create inspiring and entrancing pieces that can spark the imagination.
Getting More Out of Art
Sculptures allow artists to build an object that exists in reality. While painters have a great deal to offer various cultures, giving a piece texture and life-like features is nothing short of amazing. Fluidic designs that seem more random than specific allow the mind to pull mental images out of the three dimensional piece creating an endless stream of possibilities. This is what makes most pieces so attractive to patrons of sculpture exhibitions. It can be an exploration of one’s own inner thoughts while pondering the meaning behind any particular construct.
New and Old, It is All Relevant
Sculptures have been putting tool to medium for several thousand years. From the small hand-held objects by unknown creators dating back 36,000 years to more modern masterpieces by people such as Jean-Jacques Porret, it is all relevant in the history of humankind. The next time you watch a new CGI film, keep in mind that the idea of creating imagery in this fashion is nothing new. The techniques may be different, but the result is the same – to engage the target audience.
what is CGI?
I enjoy watching nice /action movies, watching tv..these are my hobbies…