Your garden is most likely your pride and joy. If you put any time into it at all, you know that ‘any’ time very quickly becomes ‘all your free time’. This is no bad thing, as landscaping is an art and the prospect of creating a natural, beautiful paradise in your back garden becomes very addictive very quickly.
Of course, a garden is not like any other ‘fixture’ in your house. You can just plant the seeds and let them grow by themselves. You cannot have a perfect lawn without continuous maintenance. All of these necessities require a watchful eye, and perseverance. If you are here, you are most likely a garden or landscaping fanatic, and you want to know the best way to look after your precious garden this winter. The key is to do as little as possible, to the biggest effect; this has the benefit of saving money and being environmentally friendly.
Remember to keep watering your plants.
Yes, I know that you probably know how important it is to water plants and flowers. If you are into landscaping at all, you most likely keep all the components of your garden in perfect shape and ensure that any planted flowers or trees continue to flourish under all manner of conditions. However, it is vitally important not to neglect the plant-life in your garden over winter. So many people think that gardening is simply a spring or a summer job. This is not true. Plants, much like you, other animals and any living thing, for that matter, need water and other minerals to survive. They do not power down over the cold, wintery months. They prefer warmth and sunlight, but so do all of us.
If you do not want dehydration or disease to run rampant across your garden, result in a complete overhaul during the oncoming spring, then it is best to keep up the good work and remain consistent with the watering and general care you offer the plants and flowers present in your garden. You have put a lot of time into them, so do not stop when it gets a little chilly outside.
Prepare early.
As we are talking about the importance of your garden in winter, you might also consider that this should not just be seen as a season for defending your plants and other shrubbery in your garden with your life. This can be a time for preparation. There is always maintenance to be done to your garden in winter.
By planting new seeds now, you will start to see blossoming plants and flowers by the time spring and summer roll around. There is no point in ‘waiting for it to be warm’, because the time will have passed for them to truly grow and blossom by then. These things take time; use the cold, brutal months to get started and foresee the lovely, warm months to come.
Mowing the lawn is still important.
Whilst the growth of grass will slow over the winter months, that does not make it any less important. It’s simply an infrequent necessity. Like your plants, it will still grow and it still needs maintenance. Companies such as Beacon Equipment sell john deere lawn mowers and this is a simple way for people to landscape on the cheap, whilst keeping their garden looking beautifully neat and tidy.