When you send someone a greeting card, you do so in hopes that the card will be read and appreciated by the recipient. If it is sent during a time of year or for an occasion in which the person may be receiving cards from a large number of people, you want yours to stand out from the crowd so it is not just laid aside with the intent of reading it later.
Regardless of how heart-warming the message you write in the card may be, it will have no effect if the card isn’t read. Having an eye-catching design can help to ensure the card is actually noticed, read and appreciated by the person to whom you sent it. One of the most effective ways to make a greeting card look impressive is by using photos that are sure to be noticed. Companies like Productions Trois Etoiles can provide you with stock photos for greeting cards that will increase the likelihood that your card is put on display rather than thrown in the trash.
Natural Scenery
Incorporating natural scenery into your greeting card design is an effective way to get people to take notice. For example, a picture of a sunset over the ocean or mountains may have the effect that makes readers want to pause and reflect. When the message on the card is one that goes well with the background, your card will not be soon forgotten. Other examples of natural scenery that blends in well with greeting cards include waterfalls, quiet rivers, and even rapids.
On some occasions, blending in some man-made objects into the natural scenery can increase the desired effect of the card even further. A sailboat in the distance in a photo of an ocean sunset can enhance the peaceful feeling one gets when looking at the photo.
Integrating famous landmarks is another way to get people’s attention when they are part of the card. These landmarks may bring back memories of an enjoyable vacation or get someone thinking about where they would like to go for their next getaway. They can provide miniature history lesson or they can be used to support an inspirational quote that may be pre-printed on the card.
When using photos for your greeting card designs, the possibilities are endless. All that is necessary is a little creative thinking and you can come up with a card that the recipient will truly appreciate.