You do not need to spend too much either- you could even record from home! You can even get your music out on the internet or sell it. It can be a one-off experience, or you might want to make a career out of it. Either way, here is how you can record a song.
Creating a Song
First, you will need to decide what you want to record. You can write a song in many ways. You could brainstorm lyrics in your head and build off them. If you are more instrumentally inclined, you may want to start with a guitar riff or some piano chords and go from there.
Creating an entirely original song is not your only option. You could also record a cover of one of your favorite tracks. It is a fun way to pay homage to the music you love while also expressing your own creativity. Keep in mind that you cannot profit from cover songs without a license.
Once you have something to record, it is time to get into the process itself. There are a couple of ways you can do this. You could pay for time in a recording studio. You can also have a producer master your track.
You could also record your song from home. All you really need is a microphone and some recording software. Better equipment can result in a better recording. It helps to record different parts of your track separately. For instance, you might want to record your instrument (or instruments) before adding vocals. Experiment and see how it ends up.
Once you have your master recording, you might want to put it on a disc. Sites like NationWide can create CDs or vinyl records with your music, along with covers. Independent artists and bands use these kinds of services to create and sell their records.
There is also a lot you can do with your digital recording. If you are feeling ambitious, you might want to show it off to the world.
Getting Your Track Out There
There are many reasons you might want to record a track. While some might do it just to listen to themselves, others may want to build a career out of it. However, how should you go about distributing your freshly recorded track?
If you create discs of your song, you can give these out at events. You could also send them out to friends or even give them out on the streets. Many upcoming artists promote themselves with free CDs and mixtapes.
YouTube and Soundcloud are also becoming hotbeds for new artists. All you need is your digital recording, and you can upload your track in seconds. You might want to post your track to blogs and discussion sites to generate some buzz around your finished project.