
Using cellphone before going to sleep
Turn Off Electronics
Giving yourself time away from electronics is essential if you want to get to sleep. Make an effort to turn off the television and stop looking at your phone about half an hour before bed. It has been thought that electrical screens can have an effect on the quality of sleep we have. That aside, electronics often fill our heads with thoughts we do not need before bed! If you were checking your e-mails five seconds before you close your eyes, would it come as a surprise if you cannot get straight to sleep? Taking the time away from such distractions will allow you to unwind in the right way. You will be much more ready for bed if you take this step.

Hot drinks
Hot Drinks
Never underestimate the power of hot drinks in the quest for sleep. Getting into the habit of a bedtime hot drink can be incredibly relaxing. Bear in mind that you need to give yourself at least half an hour between finishing your drink and going to bed. Otherwise, you will be waking up to go to the toilet! Finding some hot drinks that you keep just for bedtime can help. Avoid caffeinated beverages, and invest in some herbal hot drinks designed especially for nights. Invest in a kettle like those found at WillowAndEverett to give you an incentive to get into the habit. You could even treat yourself to a new mug!
Let Go of Worries
Even if you turn off your electronics, it can be hard to let go of worries. This is especially true if there is something specific stressing you out. If you have problems at work, they can keep you up for hours. The trouble with this is that you cannot perform your best when you do get to work because you have not rested right! It is not easy to let those stresses go, but there are steps you can take. Try distracting yourself from the problem before you go to bed so that it is not playing on your mind. Reading a book can be a fantastic way to get yourself away from reality for a while before bed. You could even distract yourself by talking to a family member about an unrelated topic. However you choose to take your mind off things, this is an important step. Get as far from the day as you can.