I have heard of many cases of people struck by lightning. One case was of a woman who was struck by lightning while she was out in the open collecting her clothing from the clothes line. She noticed the sky suddenly turned dark and she went out to get her clothing and was struck dead by lightning. Another case was of a group of children walking home from school. Halfway, the rain started to pour and these children took cover under the trees. They were struck by lightning and I am not sure whether any of them survived. Many have died due to ignorance and unaware of lightning storm safety rules.
Although it is not always that people are strike by lightning but it is important to those who love outdoor activities to know about lightning storm safety rules. At the first sign of a lightning storm, as fast as possible, try to stay away from open outdoor area. If possible, try to find safety in closed shelter until the storm is over. Sometimes, a lightning storm comes without warning or that people were caught unaware. It is always better to know in advance of any approaching storm for us to avoid the storm.
We can only know in advance if we have been warned by the weather forecaster or from the weather news reporting. Or we can equip ourselves with a hand held portable lightning tracker to provide advance warning of approaching lightning storms. These warnings will be perfect for all outdoor activities e.g. recreational activities, outdoor sports, boating events or golf games, etc. It is important to check out the weather pattern of the area where the events will be held. Always be alert to the cloud patterns and the changing sky. Lightning can strike even when there is clear blue sky.
As long as you are hearing thunder even though it may not be raining, immediately take cover in closed shelters. As far as possible, stay away from open areas or watery areas. Once you are safely indoor, stay away from your computer, electrical appliances, telephone with cord, etc. and avoid coming in contact with water, metal objects, or plumbing, etc. You can stay inside the car but make sure to roll up all the windows.
Places like public schools, colleges, universities, big training centers should be equipped with a lightning strike monitor for the safety of its students, trainees or residents. If there is a possibility of lightning storm coming your area, then all outdoor activities should stop immediately or postponed to avoid serious casualties. Training and lightning drills should also be held to keep the students and public informed.