There is no getting around the fact that we are all getting older. As you grow older, your parents do, too. It is important that you keep an eye on them! You know your parents best, and you are the one that can spot when there is a problem. It is important that you know what to look out for as the years pass. Detecting a problem before it gets serious means you can take steps to avoid things getting bad. So, what kind of things are your parents at risk? Here are a few of the most common age-related illnesses you should be aware of.

Old Woman. Image Source.
We will start with the big one. Dementia is a devastating illness. We all see our parents deteriorating in one way or another. Dementia takes things to a completely new level. No one is ever prepared to see their parents losing the very thing that makes them. If they fall under dementia’s spell, the parent in question will lose everything that makes them who they are. When the illness takes hold, they may even lose knowledge of the people around them. So, what do you have to look for? Forgetfulness is the first sign. There is no denying we all get forgetful as we get older. That is why it is important you watch the signs. Are the things your parent forgets important? It may be an indication that there is something more serious going on. A site like can give you some idea of the symptoms and treatments. Get ahead of the game by knowing what to look out for.
Next on the list is arthritis. While this ailment leaves the mind intact, it can devastate the body. Have your parents been experiencing a lot of joint pain? Have you noticed them struggling to use their hands? All these things could be signs of arthritis. You will need to look carefully to spot this. Your parents may hide the problem, or pretend it is not as bad as it is. If you notice a recurring problem, it is important you try to speak to them. Ask them how long the pain has been going on. Try to determine how bad it is. If you are in doubt, encourage them to see a doctor. It is always better to be safe than sorry! The sooner you spot the problem, the more help it will be to your parents. If your parent refuses to see a doctor about the issue, sites like have some ideas about home remedies you could try.
Lack of Mobility
At some point, we all lose our mobility. Each time you see your parents, take note of their mobility. Ensure they are still getting out the house. If they are struggling to get around, their lives could become difficult. If they can no longer get around alone, it may be time to get a little help. Alternatively, you could move them into your home for some extra help. If you go down this route, make your home disabled-friendly to make their lives that bit easier!