Cut blank paper with scissors
One way to make things more fun while showing those involved that you’re thinking of them and not just taking care of things because you have to is to make custom stickers that shows off the group identity. If your son is on a football team, having stickers that show off the team logo would be a great addition to teammates’ notebooks, lockers, and their parents’ car. Your daughter is on the yearbook committee? Stickers can be made to help them create a more professional persona while conducting interviews and snapping photos. Or, they can give those out to interviewees so they can brag to their friends about their upcoming appearance in the school’s most recent edition.
Involved parents can make stickers for students to reflect recent field trips, too. Schools love when parents are involved with their children’s classes. Giving something tangible to students is a positive way to reinforce learning, and remembering what was taught on a trip. Other ideas are school festivals, science fairs, garden shows, and the school play. These stickers could even become part of students’ memory books made in composition and creative writing classes. Art students might be encouraged by a contest to see whose art will be on the next batch of your now-famous stickers.
For those with other interests, your own team might be thrilled to see you’ve placed your team’s logo on a set of stickers just for them. Or your family reunion next summer can show the family names of all involved. Special projects at work might be your next target as a sticker subject, too. There are many ideas in this often overlooked way to communicate with others. Be creative with your ideas and don’t be afraid to brainstorm. Just because you do a project with one aspect of your busy life doesn’t mean you shouldn’t with another.