A family of twelve siblings of a plain housewife and a jeepney driver.
Life from the start has been so difficult.What with twelve children! Alma, the eldest daughter was a recipient of a national scholarship program in college and took up nursing. She worked in the middle east and helped finance the schooling of her other siblings.
The second child , Denia, was also a national state scholar and became a chemical engineer. Grace, was a university player in volleyball and enjoyed free tuition and took up civil engineering. The fourth child Wilfredo took up mechanical engineering . Marlene, enjoyed being a national state scholar also and finished chemical engineering.
Wilenia is a social worker and Zelenia is an accounting major. Cristy is also a national state scholar and finished medical technology. Wilson is a graduate of Economics and Francis , a nautical. Cecilia,the fifth national state scholar in the family, took up customs . Lastly, the youngest, Melvin is a commerce graduate.
I give praise to God for the many blessings we receive, not the riches, the fame nor fortune but the finer things of which worth has no value, the type of things we’ll value more than wealth or any treasure, the WISDOM.
Thank you Lord for the dozen professionals.
glad to be one of the products (by-products?) of this family – a family of scholars! hehehe.
One of the products…(not just ‘by-products’) hehehe
just recently. so inspired by your comments. much thanx