( Once again,this is Dens, your host for an hour 11 to 12 every Sunday. Welcome to Family and Life Apostolate Hour.)
This Sunday we focus our attention on our children’s GODPARENTS. We Filipinos, as Catholics, consider godparenthood as a valuable tradition, a precious part of our lives.
I had four godmothers at baptism and one for my confirmation. Same godparents stood as witnesses or sponsors during my wedding. Even then, it was considered an honor to stand as godparent at a baptismal, confirmation, or at a wedding, chosen because of good moral character and high regard.
The spiritual bond between ninongs and ninongs with hijados and hijadas will last a lifetime. It is for a godparent to play the role of a second parent.
Obviously, over the years, values have changed. Today’s generation fails to understand the true essence of godparenthood which is spiritual guardianship. It is not unusual for parents to pick out politicians or celebrities or people who have good political connections. The selection is not anymore dictated by moral obligations for which godparenthood was conceived. As a result, rich and politically powerful godparents accumulate countless godchildren, most of them remaining faceless and nameless in the memory of the godparent. Eventually, godchildren, upon reaching adulthood, could not appreciate the real essence of godparenting.
It appears that in today’s generation, spiritual needs and obligations play minor roles in our lives. There is a need to bring back the virtues of love and care which once characterized the spritual relationship between godparents and godchild . Otherwise, the essence of godparenting will be a thing of the past.
( So, this is all for now. See you again next Sunday. Godbless you and your family.)
Had baptized my son two months ago. That’s when I understand the vital role of a godparent. That is how I understand a person’s mind and differences. Dito ko nakilala ang taong nagpamukha sa akin at sinabing, Kukunin niyo akong ninong para libre kayo? He was a resident doctor and we both lived in the same place. It’s only a yes or no answer in a proper way.