Does mental telepathy exist? It “is loosely defined as the ability for two people to communicate over a distance without the use of verbal or visual communication”. We know that there are so many recorded cases of people claiming to have experienced such ability but nobody can prove that it is real.
Three nights back, I had a bad sleep. I went to bed at midnight but an hour after, I woke up and was unable to go back to sleep already. So early in the morning, I called my husband back home (I am on vacation right now) to report about my sleeplessness. What a coincidence! He did get a sleepless night that time, too. But instead of worrying that night, he looked for ways to spend the time. His reconditioning therapy?– run any game apps which you have downloaded into your iphone and play. Seems to me it is a nice technique (but I should have this goconnect app for realtor checklists, aside from game apps)! Oooops, you may not agree but you may suggest your own techniques.
Seriously speaking, for a mental telepathy to be real, “science must be able to reproduce results under scientifically controlled situations”. But for me, based on my experience, I am inclined to believe that it is for real. How about you? Do you believe that it exists or not?
Now you’re late riser,hmmm…