Tomorrow, I will be meeting again for the second time, my two classes with some secondary students in a public high school. Teaching Religious Instruction is a challenge for me inasmuch as I was used to handle Mathematics and Science subjects before, while this time , I will be handling a truly different kind of apostolic task. Honestly, my first meeting with them last week was not so fruitful because I observed that most of those students care less about our Religion class.
Although the effectiveness of the sessions that we will be holding will be partly due to the proficiency of the teacher ( and that’s me), largely- it is the work of the Holy Spirit- and during the session, God himself is at work with me as an instrument to share His Word.
My oral prayer, with the students, at the start of the class will be:
O God–your Word is life and truth, help us to follow Christ’s footsteps, may the session today become a fruitful endeavor and that Your Word will pierce the hearts of my students and they will be moved to become good listeners and as they listen attentively, they will respond in loving obedience, and
as the students hear the Word- they will accept It and may the Word grow spiritually and bear fruit them..
this we pray through Christ our Lord, Amen.
P.S. For our Church to grow mature, our students must develop the responsibility for good listening.
May the good Lord give you more strength and enthusiasm in this endeavor, Mom.