Rather than buying a brand new house that’s almost instantly ready for a family to live in, some people prefer to buy ‘fixer upper’ homes. This can be a great opportunity, but you must know what you’re getting into before you make the decision to do it. It can be a ton of work.
Buying a fixer upper home involved buying a house way below market price, spending some time and money fixing it up, and ending up with a brand new looking house that’s worth so much more than your initial investment. However, variables can make the situation a little different. Read on to figure out whether buying that fixer upper house is really a good idea.
Know Your Numbers
Knowing your number is the most important thing for figuring out whether it’s worth it or not. You need to know the costs to renovate based on the condition of the house, materials and labor (including yours), take unforeseen mishaps into account, think about inflation, and the likely market value after renovation based on other properties in the area. With these numbers, you can get an idea of what to offer for the fixer upper – it absolutely must be worth it.
You must be sure that it’s worth it, as many homes only sell for a small percentage less than market value, and this would mean you wouldn’t have enough leftover to make the renovations that your property requires. Real estate lawyers can help you to make good decisions when it comes to buying a house, and even help you with finding a home inspector. Hiring a home inspector is another must!
Living In a House Under Construction
Living in a house under construction can be trying on everybody. Will you mind being surrounded by tools and dust? If yes, then make a plan to live elsewhere while the renovations are ongoing. Your life will be disrupted more so living in a fixer upper. Consider how this will affect you.
Be Realistic About How Long It Will Take
Be realistic about how long the changes will take to make. You will also spend lots of time learning and fixing mistakes, so consider those too. It could be worth spending the time working and paying a pro to make the changes instead – this could help your stress levels and get things done more efficiently in the end.
Seeking Help from a Pro
It is normal to start biting off more than you can chew when you have an exciting project in mind, but there is no shame in seeking help from a pro if you need it. Make sure you do plenty of research and speak to referrals so you can figure out if somebody is right for you before hiring them.
Bear in mind that buying a fixer upper home can easily put a strain on your marriage too, so if you’re still figuring out what it’s going to be like living together, or developing a new dynamic after marrying one another, buying a fixer upper could be held off for a while. Good luck!