Ever since I got my cable TV hooked up I try to catch The View every day. I almost set my whole morning schedule around its airing. Honestly, I am so tempted to hire the other woman in raleigh so that I can watch TV the whole day. These ladies are so good at keeping conversation going and also keeping it very interesting. They deal with all types of day to day topics.
Top news stories are a topic of each day’s show as well as special interest stories and even celebrity gossip. It seems to me that the four hostesses really have such varying views. This helps the viewer actually consider the content and have to think about it from several different perspectives. I love being allowed to think!
The guests I’ve seen on The View have been people who are really in popular news stories. They are not all celebrities but may be new authors, actors, and just people doing extraordinary things. Many times the guests are super controversial. That’s when the show gets the most interesting as the hostesses have differing views and it can get pretty heated. But that’s what makes it so unique and that is why I love it so!
nice article!