Why is it that, sometimes, we have to make this choice? Sometimes, it seems to be a contest battle between the quality of life that we have, and the amount of money that we earn. Some folks get a little confused when they run the rat race and they end up think that a good quality of life is about always having expensive stuff. However, in reality it is so much more than that. Read on to find out more about these issues and how you can balance between money and life quality.
Money makes the world go around, or so they say. It can certainly seem like that when you do not have enough to pay your bills or get the stuff that you most want in life.

Money, dollars. Image source: Pixabay.
Some lucky people are born into money, which means they never have to work a day in their life for it. However, the rest of us have to earn what money we have. Carving out a career for ourselves that will pay enough for us to be able to do and have the things we most want and need.
It seems that the quest for more money can seem never ending, which then can have a profound effect on your quality of life.
Quality Of Life
Quality of life can be defined in terms of the things that you have. To have a good quality of life, you need access to the essentials like nutritious foods, clothe and shelter, as well as all the other items like your own home and vehicle. Of course, these items are all something that you need money for.

Happy life. Image source: Pixabay.
It can also be defined in terms of how much you are enjoying your life. They are plenty of people in this world that have amazing huge homes, the latest gadgets and a nice car but they are exhausted, stressed, depressed or ill. Is it worth having these things if you have to work so hard to get them that you leave nothing of yourself left to enjoy life? Well, that is the age-old question!
Do You Need Money To Have A Good Quality Of Life?
This question can only be answered on an individual basis. You have to decide what is more important to you; there is no right answer. If you choose things, it doesn’t mean you are materialistic; it just mean that the situation you are in currently you can benefit from some of the items, more than time and energy.
In fact, it kind of chops and changes throughout our lives, because we will need different things to different time. Really, it is all about a balance between the two. Having enough materially, and yet having enough energy and time to enjoy them.
Ways to Find a Balance
So how exactly can we achieve this balance? Well it is mostly through being sensible with the two main resources at stake here: Money and time.
So get on top if your money situation by budgeting, saving every month, and keeping a check on your credit score. This will allow you to have most material things that you want in your life within reason.

Piggy bank. Image source: Pixabay.
You also need to use your time well, by using management techniques like Pomodoro, and reducing unpaid overtime to a max of 5 hour a week! Remember, “All work and no play make Johnny a dull boy!”